Under The Covers - A Guest Blog Post!


Hi, my name is Faith Koo, a senior at Rock Bridge High School, and under the guidance of James Meyer and Carrie Koepke, I have an EEE internship at Skylark Bookshop for which I’m carrying out an event tomorrow, Sunday December 9, called Under the Covers. This is a book-focused, sleepover-like party. The beginning of the event will start with a discussion of books and will end with a read aloud and is aimed toward high schoolers and college students who love books or just want to leave the house and relax in a cozy environment with books and food. The event is free to all and will have free cookies and hot chocolate, (If you don’t go for the books, go for the food!)

High schoolers and college students aren’t often given opportunity to relax in a public space. I am hoping to give young people a chance to open up and de-stress before finals season. We hope to see you there. The fun starts at 5:00 p.m.

Make sure to bring pillows and blankets!