Caroline Leavitt brings her swag A-Game!

Thursday evening’s edition of Must Read TV saw the mighty Caroline Leavitt discuss her brilliant new novel, WITH OUT WITHOUT YOU. It was a wide-raging, entertaining discussion which touched on many topics about the novel, the writing life, and many things in between. If you would like to watch the whole thing, you can! Here’s the link.

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Caroline also made a series of wonderful offers to Skylark readers which we wanted to remind you about. She is, you see, the Queen of Swag, and so you have three (count ‘em) different options:

  1. If you purchase a copy of WITH OR WITHOUT YOU from Skylark, then in addition to the exclusive Skyku bookmark, Caroline will also paint a small watercolor, just for you, for free. Seriously. Her specialties are dogs, cats, and coffee mugs. Your choice!

  2. If you purchase WITH OR WITHOUT YOU and a copy of the tenth anniversary edition of PICTURES OF YOU, then Caroline will give you a free consultation on three pages of your writing. She does manuscript consultations professionally, people, so this IS A VERY BIG DEAL.

  3. If you purchase four books from Skylark, one of which is WITH OR WITHOUT YOU, then if you send Caroline your book, she will annotate it for you - that is, she’ll write all over it, with inside information, secrets about the characters and plot, probably some silly stuff, and more. It will be a unique collector’s item, a genuine one-of-a-kind thing. How often do you get that chance for something like that?

We’re so thrilled that Caroline has been so generous! If you’d like to take advantage of any of these offers, give us a call at (573) 777 6990 or drop us a line at, and we’ll take care of you.