Get a Free Audiobook! Two Ways!

We love audiobooks at Skylark. It allows us to read even more than we already do - in the car, while we’re walking the dog, or when we’re cooking.

You have probably heard us talk about our friends at, who offer the very best audiobook experience and service available, and in a way that benefits independent bookstores, rather than, well, you know. The other guy.

The other great thing about is that they love giving away audiobooks.

To celebrate Small Business Saturday, libro are offering a free audiobook to anyone who spends more than $15 at Skylark between last Wednesday (November 24) and tomorrow (November 30.) All you have to do is to send them a copy of your receipt. And the choice of titles is stunning. More details here.

And if you haven’t tried audiobooks before, or have used a different audiobook provider, then libro are also offering a free audiobook for anyone who signs up for a membership - so if you were contemplating giving it a try, now would be the time. All you need to do is use the code CHOOSEINDIE when you check out.

Give it a try! Happy listening!