October is the new December.


Carrie writes…

I've been spending significant time ordering books (and stuff) as we amp up stock for the holiday season. We are seriously excited about some absolutely stellar Fall/Winter titles, and hoping that you enjoy the quirky sidelines as much as we do.

But . . . let's have a serious talk.

Last year we talked about things moving slowly, reprints getting delayed, paper shortages, and low stock availability. This year it isn't any better. When we say the supply chain is broken, we mean random links are shattered all over the place.

You might notice that your favorite barista can't give you a lid for that. Maybe your soda is in a red solo cup. We've been waiting for a reprint on that bestseller everyone is talking about. Life is complicated y'all.

I have had a solid wall of email blasts from my reps and the publishers every day for weeks now. We are being told to order for the rest of the year now, don't expect to reorder, good luck guessing what book goes viral, BUY IT ALL AND CROSS YOUR FINGERS. It isn't wishy washy. It is extremely clear. And I'm trying folks. I am ordering big. The other day the staff informed me that a wall of boxes had arrived and "oh my word"?!?! They spent two days tag teaming the opening, sorting, receiving, and shelving just to see our magical UPS guy bring more. He brings us more every. single. day.

Some of the titles we order in for you are taking a bit longer. Some are coming in quickly and you haven't noticed anything different at all. You might notice our ETA estimates are getting a bit vague. We can usually tell when something will arrive in 2-3 business days . . . what we can't tell anymore is about the ones that used to take 5-6 business days. Some of those magically show up in two days, others take a month.

It isn't an Indie issue (you will find the same issues globally, the Indies are just the ones really being honest with you about it). It isn't a bookshop specific issue (shortages are not just in paper anymore). It is all just rather complicated.

So why am I telling you all of this? Well, mostly because we like you to know what is going on. We still want to order your books in for you. We still want to help you find the perfect gifts. What we are hoping is that you will be a bit patient with the universe as it all plays out.

Let us work our magic and help you find the perfect book for your uncle instead of being sure that the one you heard about on the radio is the ONLY perfect book. (It is sort of our job to know about the other perfect books… and we like to think we are pretty dang good at it.) Pretend your timeline is missing a few weeks (or months) and you really need to get your holiday shopping done now. The sooner you get started, the more selection you are going to have access to . . . and the more likely we can order in that obscure book about drones that knit fuzzy sweaters and solve murders.

Also, never forget about the magic of our other options. Book subscriptions are amazing. The Skylark Reading Spa is one of our favorite things. Audio book subscriptions are perfect for the commuter in your family . . . or the kid who never seems to take out their earbuds. And, of course, old-fashioned gift certificates never go out of style.

Also-also . . . thanks for helping us continue to survive this strange universe. We are pretty stubborn and keep trying to innovate, but none of that matters without you hopping along on this journey with us. Your support means the world . . . as in it means Skylark exists in this world.

Okay. It is time for me to go put in another order. Maybe I'll get a dozen extra of that one . . . it looks cute.