Subscriptions Just How You Want Them!

From Beth…

The other day I picked up a call from Reggie, a homebound man in his 80s, who is a voracious reader needing books delivered.  After chatting for a while, we decided on a subscription that we customized perfectly for him.  

First, since Reggie doesn’t use a computer, we sent him a modified reading survey via snail mail that he completed and returned to us via a stamped envelope that we provided.  Second, we adjusted the monthly book delivery upward to several titles a month due to his rapid book consumption. Finally, we made a note to accommodate Reggie by calling a few times in a row if he didn’t answer initially.  

We are excited to help Reggie with his passion for reading!  And we would be honored to help other homebound friends or relatives with subscriptions that meet their needs, too.  Would your loved one appreciate a subscription of large-print books?  Let us know.  Would your loved one enjoy reading shorter titles?  Let us know.  Is one book a month too many, or, like Reggie, is one book insufficient?  Let us know.

And perhaps you, reader, are homebound and are wanting to bring more books into your life.

In short, at Skylark Bookshop we are eager to develop the most tailored reading experience for you or your homebound friend or relative.  Please feel free to drop us a line if you’d like to make this happen.