From Carrie…

Our website has a FAQ section, but the FAQs are not the MOST frequently asked questions. So I thought I would take a moment to answer those . . .

Do you have kids books?

Yes, and though kids LOVE stairs, our kids section is on the main floor. Your stroller thanks us. Head around the stairs to find books for all ages - chewable and on. And let's be completely honest. You don't have to pretend you are shopping for a gift. We are all kids at heart.

Can I bring in my drink?

Yes! Just don't throw it at the books. And if you do spill, please let us know. But really, don't spill. If you forget how long your arms are (we all have our moments), just leave it up at the counter and grab it on your way out!

Where should we eat lunch?

We have almost as many opinions about the food around here as we do the books. Be prepared for a conversation. We are probably also hungry, so remind us to take a lunch break when we get REALLY excited about answering this question.

What is upstairs?

Okay, if you mean just up the stairs - mostly Non-Fiction. Cookbooks (and look, we are hungry again), Poetry (A LOT), History, Biography, Travel, Nature, Science, Philosophy, and much much more.

If you mean up the next stairs - go check it out. The "treehouse" (someday we will decorate it) is a cozy and quiet place to peruse your selections and decide what to land on.

If you mean above us, our COMO Magazine friendly neighbors are a lovely and rowdy bunch. We are pretty sure that noise is a chair race. They also laugh a lot. Must be the book they bought last week, but we won't tell them to get back to work.

Can you tell me if you have a book?

Yes. But, you have to tell us what book you are wondering about. Even if you just give us clues. Help us out, y'all.

Are your books in any sort of order?

Ummmmmm. Yes. Pretty intensely. Muchly. Many orders and ordering and sortings. Look up to see genre headers and most sections are alphabetical by author (last name, folks).

Can you order a book you don't have?

Usually! We put in orders every weekday morning and adding your requests is not a big deal AT ALL. It is one of the things we love to do. It usually only takes a few business days. Less if everyone out there is efficient, more if it is coming from someone tricky. We can let you know.

Do you just read all day?

No. Well, not here. At home, probably. We read A LOT. But you know, we work at work.

What is your favorite book?

100% guaranteed way to fluster a bookseller. Like one?!?!?!?

How do you pick the books here?

Carefully. It is a whole thing. We spend weeks each season going through all of what is coming out and make thoughtful selections based on a million factors. We also get to read a lot of books early and decide if they are worth sharing with you. Which leads into . . .

What are you reading right now?

Well . . . probably something that won't be out for 4-6 months, which is just plain cruel to talk about. Teasing, really. Also, some of us have several books going at once, and it is hard to remember what they are. Method 2 of flustering a bookseller . . . ask for the title and author of the book they have on the nightstand. (Again, "THE" book? Like, one??!?!?!?)

Can you make a recommendation?

Yes. Did you see us rub our hands together and jump a little in excitement? Get ready for a conversation that is even more fun than where you should have lunch.