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Celebrate Women's History Month with Four Amazing Authors!

Do you like historical fiction? If so, you might want to make a note of this date: the Ides of March. (Or, as we call it, March 15.) That’s the date of a wonderful virtual event presented by our friends at Sourcebooks to celebrate Women’s History Month. Four incredible bestselling authors - Marie Benedict, Kate Moore, Heather Webb, and Katharine Gregorio - will be in conversation with our very own Mary O’Malley, Skylark’s free-range bookseller-at-large, speaking about the stories of forgotten women in history which are showcased in their new releases.

Attendance is completely free - all you need to do is click here to register. (The event is being hosted by Sourcebooks, so it looks a little different to our usual online events.)

It’s going to be an unmissable event - and we’ll have signed copies of all the authors’ books for you!