Indies Introduce... Ten of the Best Debuts Coming This Year

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Carrie writes…

Reading books before they are released is one of the bookseller duties we know is actually a job perk. There is not a day I don't find one (or twenty) to add to my perilous to-be-read stacks. My children make fun of these stacks . . . invading much of our house, but then I see them raiding and creating their own. I guess we are even.

It is no secret that the pandemic impacted reading habits, pretty much globally. So my stacks were shuffled and admired, but I was truly struggling to know what books would distract, embrace, and indulge me. I hit a reading rut, seeking out short uncomfortable reads which pulled me in so deeply that reality faded out for the duration of pages. I knew that if I had to set the book down before I finished, I would struggle to find my place . . . not just in the book, but in my soul. But after a bit, I really wanted to dive back into the range of reading I enjoyed pre-COVID. I needed to be told what to read and I needed to have to read it.

The Indies Introduce opportunity arrived and it was perfection. Our tiny crew of booksellers from across the country began reading (52! debut works) and meeting virtually in January of 2021. By the end of April, we had our top ten titles. While we all felt attached to some titles that did not make the list (I will 100% be sharing these as well), this top ten was something we felt we could all get behind and share with you, Indie readers of seriously good books. These debut titles represent the best of some incredible reads. You can review all the titles, together with my brief reviews, here.

To Sara (Books & More in GA) who led our opinionated crew, to Joy and Jess of ABA who guided our distractions, to Deidre (WORD Bookstore in NJ), Olivia (Boulder Book Store in CO), Audrey (Belmont Books in MA), Chris (Boswell Book Company in WI), Ariana (Country Bookshelf in MT), and Amanda (Warrick's in CA). May we one day meet in person, may readers devour these brilliant books, and may we forever debate those divisive works.