Skylarking. In Person. With You.

Ever so slowly, people are putting on real clothes again. We’re emerging from our houses, blinking at the sun, and leaving our sourdough starters, abandoned gajillion-piece puzzles, and beloved yoga pants behind. We at Skylark are dreaming about a world with a whole lot less Zooming in it. In particular, we’re thinking about how to reintroduce author events and other book-related things that actually take place in the shop. One idea we’ve been toying with for ages – until COVID came along, that is – is starting a regular book club for our customers. (We’ve hosted book clubs in the past, but this would be something that we would run and would be open to all.) The purpose of this post is really just to gauge interest among all you lovely people. 

Here’s what we’re thinking. Every month, we’ll select a new book that we love – we’ll include fiction and nonfiction, big titles and books that you might otherwise miss – and then we’ll gather in the shop to talk about it. (It goes without saying that this assumes that we’ll be able to do this in a safe and healthy way.)  Attendance will be free; the only condition will be that you have to buy your copy of the book from Skylark to join in the fun. There’d be no commitment: people can pick and choose which months to attend, depending on whether or not the book we’ve chosen appeals. And sometimes (no promises!) we’ll try and get the author to attend, either in person or remotely. So, will you drop us a line and tell us: would this be of interest to you?